From : "Although the electronica feeding frenzy was building to a frothing head when it appeared, General Magic's full-length debut, Frantz, contained the real soul and sense of the term; electronic music inspired by dance musics such as hip-hop, techno, and electro (as well as non-dance or sub-dance musics such as ambient and electroacoustic), but totally and completely uninterested in dance music per se. Frantz is 14 tracks of uninterrupted brilliance; a minimal, focused assault on convention carried out with low-key noise, distortion, a decent dose of funk, and enough humor to keep perspective. In terms of pushing electronica into still less derivative territories (no minor-key pad refrains here, kids), Frantz is one of the most important, accomplished albums released in years."
"Frantz" was released by Mego in 1997.
Get it here : General Magic - Frantz
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